Your Umo Wallet balance displays on the home screen on the Umo App. You can also view your balance by tapping the Wallet icon .
If Add Money isn't visible in your Wallet, this feature may not be available through your local transit agency. Please contact them with any questions.
How do I add money to my Umo App Wallet?
- From the main screen of the Umo App, tap the Wallet icon.
- On the Wallet screen, tap the Buy button.
- On the Load Your Wallet screen, select Add Money and select the appropriate amount you want to add. You can also tap Choose a different amount to add a custom amount.
- Review your purchase and tap Add a Payment Method.
- Enter your payment method information and tap Save Card
If your transit agency offers Apple Pay and Google Pay as payment methods, you can select either of these for payment.
- You can also tap the camera icon to scan your credit or debit card:
- Position your credit or debit card within the frame so that the card number is visible.
- Once your card is scanned, fill in the remaining information.
- Tap the Purchase button to complete your purchase.
The Umo App confirms your cash balance purchase. Tap Show Code when you are ready to board!